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Transferring Props

The transferProps helper controls passing of props from the React component to the HTML element.

It enables making the component interactive and helps to improve its accessibility. However some props should never be passed to the HTML element as it would break things. This function is used to filter them out. Among these props are:

  • children
  • className
  • contentEditable
  • dangerouslySetInnerHtml
  • ref
  • staticContext
  • style
  • suppressContentEditableWarning

👉 When run in development mode, the function will log the error to the console if any invalid props are passed.

Basic Usage

To use transferProps helper, you need to import it first:

import { transferProps } from "@react-ui-org/react-ui";

And use it:

const CustomComponent = ({
}) => (
    id={id && `${id}__customComponent`}